Learning about Progesterone is vital for women today, it is such an important hormone and it does so much for us, that we have divided the information into many blogs rather than one. This will give you time to digest the information and hopefully be guided by the information provided.

We can see from previous posts and our website that progesterone is essential for women´s health. It may seem obvious what progesterone is, but many people – including medical professionals included – will use the word progesterone when they are also describing the actions of the synthetic progestagens, or progestins as they are know in many countries.

On our website and in our blogs when we refer to progesterone, we are referring only to the natural hormone produced in the ovaries, or a supplementary form of it that is bio-identical. This means that it is recognised by the woman´s own body as identical in every way to the progesterone she would produce herself.

Because natural progesterone supplementation is fairly new to many, this blog will also give guidance on what exactly progesterone does, what forms it can be obtained in, and how we may be directed to use it.

Progesterone in the Body

This important hormone, which is present in both men and women. In the woman it is made in the ovaries by the corpus luteum after ovulation has occurred, and also in the adrenals. In a woman the level produced daily varies, and can depend on whether she is pre-menopausal, post-menopause or pregnant.

Why is Progesterone so amazing?

Due to the fact that ProgesterAll is synthesized in the body from cholesterol via the hormone pregnenolone. Progesterone itself can be converted into cortico-steroids and testosterone. So by this we can see how amazing our bodies are and how important progesterone is for us.

So where does all this happen?

We have progesterone receptors in the cells in many tissues of the body, including those of the uterus, cervix, vagina, brain cells, peripheral nerve myelin sheaths and bone cells. These receptors can affect many bodily functions and systems, including: temperature control, stress responses, the immune system, energy production and fat metabolism.

Does Progesterone affect other hormones in the body?

Yes, it certainly does. Progesterone also affects the behaviour of other hormones, perhaps its most vital role is in ensuring the survival of the foetus. Thus becoming a vital hormone replacement for women who are seeking to become pregnant naturally. Although it is always referred to as a sex hormone, it does not in fact impact any secondary sex characteristics.

Do you have questions about natural hormone therapy?

natural hormone therapy


Why not email us your questions – Contact Mi Vida Natura

To find out more about Progesterone Cream – follow this link: ProgesterAll Therapy 

To book a consultancy with our Natural Hormone & Lifestyle Consultant – follow this link

To order ProgesterAll Natural Balancing Cream – follow this link: Ordering ProgesterAll

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