Sep 19, 2019 | Hormone Balance, menstrual cramps, progesterone, vitamin D
Period pains or cramps are very common in most women, it is estimated that 9 out of 10 women suffer from menstrual cramps each month and 6 of them need to rest or take time off work. If you have this problem then we are going to give you some useful tips. Why...
Aug 23, 2019 | Dr. John Lee, Hot flushes, Natural Progesterone Cream, night sweats, osteoporosis, progesterone, Uncategorized
Natural Progesterone cream is a form of hormone replacement therapy designed to balance hormones and help relieve menopause and perimenopause symptoms, reduce signs of skin aging, and prevent the bone loss that could lead to Osteoporosis. Natural Progesterone Cream...