Dec 7, 2020 | Dr. John Lee, oestrogen dominance, progesterone
Menopause in the workplace. Today Dr. Louise Newson GP and menopause expert is working to raise awareness of menopause in the workplace. How does this affect you? Her collaboration with West Midlands Police uncovered that a staggering 82% of women believe menopause...
Nov 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
In many of my social media posts, I mention Dr. Lee and his work, but have you ever wondered, who was Doctor John Lee? Well, he had a mission, he was a General Practioner (M.D.) He saw patients from all walks of life and helped his patients to get better and lead...
Nov 3, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dietary Consideration during menopause is imperative. A large portion of meat, chicken and dairy products contain foreign oestrogens that are used to add weight and monetary value to animals in our food chain and at the expense of our health. In addition, pesticide...
Oct 24, 2020 | Dr. John Lee, Natural Progesterone Cream
We really appreciate our family doctor and medical specialists but have you ever thought out “what your doctor may not have told you” Well yes it sounds absurd. My personal experience was when I went to the gynecologist in my early 40´s and mentioned I had...
Oct 11, 2020 | oestrogen dominance
Many women ask themselves how does Oestrogen Dominance affect women? We are told that we lose Oestrogen when we arrive a the menopause stage of our life, but in fact we are not taught that Progesterone drops at an even faster rate then Oestrogen. What is the answer?...
Aug 3, 2020 | Hormone Balance, Hot flushes, Natural Progesterone Cream, osteoporosis, progesterone
Menopause is a very delicate time in a woman’s life, so finding out as much information as we can about our female hormones is key to getting the balance right. The ideal way to hormone balance with progesterone cream is to learn how to use it and keep yourself...
Jul 22, 2020 | energy, Natural Progesterone Cream, Uncategorized, vitamin D
The more energy we have, the more we do and the happier we feel. So how do you energise your life? Energy is our fuel, we need it to get up in the morning, to get through the day and to relax. To keep up your energy levels, you need to be in good health and lead an...
Jul 19, 2020 | Hormone Balance, xenoestrogens
Xenoestrogens, so what are they all about? Well, they are known to interfere with normal human hormone production and utilization. Most prescription Oestrogens and progestins (synthetic progesterone) are not the same molecular structure as those produced by the body...
Jul 6, 2020 | Dr. John Lee, Natural Progesterone Cream, progesterone, vitamin D
Summer is a great time of the year, time to travel, meet old friends, visit relatives, go to the beach or local swimming pool and relax with your family and take some time off. However, it is also very important to take the sun seriously and make sure we are taking...
May 20, 2020 | Dr. John Lee, Hormone Balance, massage, Natural Progesterone Cream, progesterone
We all have a bit of fun with our aunts and older sisters, but have you ever wondered if this is a condition, brain fog, or only in our mind? It is not mentioned in medical texts books and not really recognized as a condition by many doctors, women often find that...