Who was Doctor John Lee?

In many of my social media posts, I mention Dr. Lee and his work, but have you ever wondered, who was Doctor John Lee? Well, he had a mission, he was a General Practioner (M.D.) He saw patients from all walks of life and helped his patients to get better and lead...

Dietary Considerations during menopause

Dietary Consideration during menopause is imperative. A large portion of meat, chicken and dairy products contain foreign oestrogens that are used to add weight and monetary value to animals in our food chain and at the expense of our health. In addition, pesticide...
Oestrogen dominance do you you have it?

Oestrogen dominance do you you have it?

Many women ask themselves how does Oestrogen Dominance affect women? We are told that we lose Oestrogen when we arrive a the menopause stage of our life, but in fact we are not taught that Progesterone drops at an even faster rate then Oestrogen. What is the answer?...
Xenoestrogens, what are they all about?

Xenoestrogens, what are they all about?

Xenoestrogens, so what are they all about? Well, they are known to interfere with normal human hormone production and utilization. Most prescription Oestrogens and progestins (synthetic progesterone) are not the same molecular structure as those produced by the body...