Are you suffering from...

Hot Flushes – Night Sweats – Mood Swings – Migraines – Irregular Periods – Osteoporosis – Vaginal Dryness – Ovarian Cysts – Endometriosis – Or other symptoms? 


This is the product for you!



Menopause – a natural transition

Menopause marks a significant phase in a woman’s life and typically unfolds in three stages: perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. Throughout this journey, the ovaries gradually slow their function, leading to reduced production of essential hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle.

One of the earliest changes is a noticeable drop in progesterone levels, often resulting in an imbalance where estrogen becomes more dominant—a condition known as “Estrogen Dominance.” This shift is responsible for many common menopause symptoms.

Every woman’s experience with menopause is unique, shaped by individual factors such as lifestyle, diet, and hormone levels. That’s where Progesterine can make a difference. Our supplement is designed to adapt to your body’s specific needs, helping to restore hormonal balance and ease symptoms, so you can feel your best during this transition.

How does Progesterine Balancing Cream work?

How does Progesterine Balancing Cream work? By harmonizing progesterone & estrogen, Progesterine restores balance to your body. Personalized plans guide you, and while it may take time to see results, it’s easy to use. Trust the process—your body will thank you

Why You Need Progesterone Cream and How it Can Help

Progesterine Balancing Cream effectively addresses a wide range of symptoms associated with menopause, perimenopause, and even pre-menstrual tension. By balancing the two primary female hormones—progesterone and estrogen—while also helping to reduce cortisol levels, this cream provides relief from common yet uncomfortable conditions such as depression, endometriosis, fatigue, irritability, low libido, migraines, osteoporosis, ovarian cysts, stress, vaginal dryness, and more.

Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone that plays a key role in the female body, not only in supporting pregnancy but also in maintaining overall health and strength. Unfortunately, many women are unaware of the importance of keeping progesterone levels balanced throughout their lives.

Using a bio-identical balancing cream like Progesterine is ideal because the body recognizes it as identical to its own natural progesterone. This allows it to be absorbed and utilized effectively, helping to restore hormonal balance and alleviate symptoms naturally.

Mi Vida Natura

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